a triangle lives here


I have added another pair to my rotation:

a close up of a pair of hand knit socks being worn. The socks are a gradient of purple, pink, orange, and yellow and have tabi toes

These are a new yarn for me, so I had to redo all of my stitch math for a new swatch.[1] Once I washed the swatch and measured its stitches per inch (SPI), I took my old stitch counts, converted those to inches, and used those lengths to create a new stitch count with my new SPI. You always gotta wash the swatch so a) you know how the fabric behaves doing the thing all fabric must see and b) so you know how it changes after the wash--does it become floppier, does it expand, does it gain a halo, does it still look nice, etc. You want to knit the garment for the fabric it will be, not for the fabric it is HOTN (that's Hot Off The Needles for those who aren't aware of the online knitting oldies).

So I did all this, and knit down to the toes. It seems like an OK fit, so I separate out the little toes[2], and work them to a close. I then try on the sock and... get mad at it? It doesn't feel right somehow; I had been trying it on to check length for a while but at that point I go "nope nope nope" and put it off to the side for *checks Rav* about eight months? After this timeout I try it on cuz I want my pretty new socks and,,, it's totally fine, lol. Great fit, no real dealbreakers.

So today I finally wore for the first time the completed pair, and they're pretty nice. A slight deviation in tension on the folded cuff (I'm always worried I'll make it pucker but ironically my worry has made the second sock pucker more I think) but nothing to write home about; a new pair of socks. I'll use what I've learned about the fabric to knit Em's, since we bought two skeins of the yarn (iirc she chose pastels? Selfstriping for sure; not sure if it'll end up gradient like these or hard stripes, tbh)

More pics plus my cryptic notes on Ravelry

  1. almost all of my socks are knit with Pattons Kroy; I can just cast on a pair for me or Em and go for it and have a nice pair to work on with little thought at this point, it's nice! ↩︎

  2. I knit all of mine with tabi toes--literally just so I can pop on flipflops in the cold months to take out the trash if it's not too sloppy out. ↩︎