a triangle lives here

robot (dilanza)

I never really anticipated getting into building gunpla but in retrospect it's a shoo-in—a action figure you build is literally the one thing I never stop thinking about ever[1], and these are also robots[2]. I still will die on the hill that The Little Gachapon Ones are the Best, but the big ones are far more readily available and do offer their own advantages (chiefly: a much larger ~process~ to assemble and give them a lil paint here and there). I'm gonna try a brushable primer on the bits I wanna accent and then a brushable totally not a floor product clearcoat for Maximum Buggy Shine on this guy but I think it's neat as is too so here it is freshly assembled:

HGWFM Dilanza (Lauda's version) HGWFM Dilanza standing next to HGWFM Heindree; they are both the same color but Dilanza is extremely bulky while Heindree is very slim

The Gooseberry Lore, for those of you keeping track, is that Dilanza is Heindree when she grows up.

  1. my childhood self would like to thank lego, bionicle, xevoz, and craft supplies (especially wire and polymer clay); every day now he thinks, "3D printer??? you can what now???" ↩︎

  2. insert gif and/or image of the One Piece crew doing their starry eyed thing every time Franky does A Thing here ↩︎