a triangle lives here


this website is assembled with 11ty. I am very proud of this, because I am flying by the seat of my pants, trying out features and figuring out how to add what I want, likely nearly breaking my git repo... and this is the first time I've felt like I really can do all this. I've done my fair share of css crimes and other silly things, I've built a few keyboards and done a lot of powershell, but this feels like me putting all my various bits and pieces of experience into a whole Thing--especially given how fast I have gotten to where this is rn: I started this on Tuesday and here on Thursday I've got a more than workable setup going. Every time I sit down and go "let's try to do ____" today I sit down and... it gets done!!

It's real neat to see how my skills have grown and developed--often without my knowing or during breaks when I've explored other hobbies.