I have a lido 3. I bought it when I was very poor after scraping together cash for months and it has served me very well through it's, idk, 8 years so far? of life. Consistent grind, speedy for a hand crank, not too hard to change the grindsize, and can fit four people's coffee in it if needed.
For as long as Gooseberry's been articulate[1] she's been fascinated by the grinder, and so has been helping me use it whenever she's awake during coffeetime--at first she wasn't even able to engage it, then she started figuring out how to make it go backwards (no resistance) in a half circle, then she'd get maybe an eighth turn in before going backwards for full rotations... Maybe, idk, six months ago she completed her first full rotation of the crank. Today she did a couple before calling it quits.
It's been a delightful little lens to watch her grow up and gain muscle strength; pretty soon I'll just be handing her the whole grinder for her to brace as she turns, I guess!!
which is much longer than she's been verbal; she was showing preferences at like 9 months and we had figured out a system for basic this/that/carry me to this point before she was making coherent sylables ↩︎