I picked this up on our way home from the hospital; we filled our prescriptions at walmart and you gotta check the discount shelves when there... I had actually been eyeing this one the other day but car sets are not the ones I typically go for and I wasn't super sure about it. $20 off, Gooseberry being Very Interested in mechanics and carshops recently, and running on the high of "not in the hospital" made it a easy buy that day, lol.
It rules!! The head mechanic is in a wheelchair with a welding rig attached; the other mechanic is in Classic Octan coveralls; the car paintjobs have a throughline of pink the same shade as the mechanic's hair and welding mask; the hotswappable bumpers and Experimental Engines are really fun; the blueprint wall rotates to design various combos. We both like playing with it a lot.
Favorite piece is definitely the headlights with a punk smilyface where the teeth spell LIGHT. Two new-to-me pieces: a) what looks like the 2 unit bar with a divider nub in the center, but one side is cut like a lipstick; these are in a softer rubbery material and used in-set as markers or pens; very funky, b) a 3 unit technic grey pin with zero detents between units and a stopper on one end like those three unit axles. Supremely weird piece, I dig it.