a triangle lives here


oh hey, a difficulty jump!

I wanna say I'm in the last act of ACT (hah), and things have gotten hard again (positive)--I took some time to really scour the first act's maps of as many goods as I could, and was feeling like the last few bosses (up to and including what I'm calling Act II's Main Boss[1]) were feeling much easier than any of the previous fights since I'm pretty flush in terms of skill upgrades to the point I was just hoarding exp since I didn't really need to spend it on levels. But now, in the most horrifying zone yet, the regular mobs are hitting exceedingly hard, forcing me to plan encounters to dump adaptations if I don't wanna risk taking more than a couple hits (and also to avoid the Trick, since bobbet worm kills bypass that bit).

Lots of good little bits, when it comes to crabs-in-buckets and whose treasure is what, and all the various crab's goals and desires are. I like how Kril doesn't feel like a Link-style project-yourself-into-this-guy guy and is a dumb little hermit crab, and I'm curious to see how he behaves in this last(?) bit here.

Also: I am so glad you get to go into The Deeps Of the Ocean; it is beautiful and wonderful, and then also there's War of The Worlds guys.[2]

  1. that (p)inkerton squid guy ↩︎

  2. this is a huge positive, in case that's not clear, love these guys ↩︎