a triangle lives here

beat Another Crab's Treasure

That's a credit roll! And not one of those "hahaha okay now here's another game's worth of content" ones

Good game, excellent times; last few bosses were harder, but also still around 1-2 tries per boss and I was able to kinda just tank some things instead of finding a good answer to the attack, so I think the difficulty drops off pretty significantly when you're fully equipped.

Before I went past the "hey this is the point of no return" warning I went and got the last fork upgrade and found the two shells I missed. One shell I just needed to know what it was and then immediately knew where to go--I had earlier remarked that the rgb keyboard sign in the crabcity had one key that seemed different, but hadn't yet realized you could hook shells to bring them closer[1], so missed that it was different cuz it was a shell. The other I just googled; same with the keys[2] for the fork upgrade. The last fork is pretty great, but I kinda wish you could toggle its skin cuz there's something viby about the OG fork.

I hear a newgame+ is in the works, plus a boss rush or other way to replay bosses, both of which sound very appetizing; I'd play this again anyways but having the second or third be a twist is welcome.

The ending fits the tragedy the game is: Kril does not learn anything of values or nuance, and having been given a hammer, everything is a nail. He finally understands that he's angry (and that's why he keeps doggedly pressing forward), but all he knows how to do is kill, so kill he does. The conclusion is discordant in a way life is, satisfying yet unsatisfying, full of what ifs and if onlys.

  1. side note: I then immediately stabbed the F key to make a hammer since I was wearing the darksoulshelmet and thus became A Gamer or something ↩︎

  2. thankfully I could pretty quickly tell two were in places I hadn't checked; I was not looking forward to visiting every spot I couldn't recall exactly 😬 ↩︎